“My greatest lessons in life did not come from the classroom
but from my life experiences.”

Staniel Cay in the Exumas

Staniel Cay in the Exumas

Finishing Reeds Lake Triathlon

Finishing Reeds Lake Triathlon

Getting married in snowshoes on Torch Lake

Getting married in snowshoes on Torch Lake


Elevate & Ignite evolved out of my personal journey to becoming a queen. Fifteen years ago, I had hit bottom. My seventeen-year marriage was in the toilet, my job was a hot toxic mess, and I was exhausted and burnt to the core. 

In having it all, I gave all that I had until nothing was left. As a wife, a mother, and in my career, I kept giving from my empty cup until I was unhappy, bitter, and angry. Does this sound familiar? 

After years of

  • Walking on eggshells in a loveless marriage, I longed to experience love, intimacy, and fun with my partner.

  • Hustling to the point of exhaustion and not being valued for my work, I needed a career where I felt seen, heard, and rewarded for my contributions.

  • Pleasing and proving to the point of losing myself, I was ready to give up perfectionism and over-giving in order to have fun and savor life.

Out of these ashes, I started my journey to becoming the queen of my own life. I chose a different life. Today, my life is starkly different. Some of the steps that I had to take in my journey, which are now pillars of my programs, include:

  • Leading Myself - Having the courage to look in the mirror and embrace my personal development to overcome perfectionism and proving.

  • Being Authentic - Rediscovering my values, my voice, and aligning my life to what is most important.

  • Embracing Uncertainty and Change - Stepping into faith over fear to overcome the need to manage every aspect of my life.

I have rebuilt myself, my relationships, and my career. It has been a long journey. To not share my lessons learned would be like hiding my light under a bushel basket. My programs are based on real-life experiences. I walk the talk in everything that I teach and coach. My failures and fortunes have become the basis of my gifts to the world.

I am passionate about empowering women in their journey to make big changes, discover the best version of themselves, and live an extraordinary life.

Are you longing for a change in your life? Are you at a crossroads, whether it be personal, family, or career? What do you want the next phase of your life to look like?

Want to grab a virtual coffee and chat about creating a path to your dreams and desires?